From Articles
Barbara Ann Briggs, MA
meditation, we gain access to that which never changes, pure
consciousness, the transcendental wholeness at the basis of life.
Some call it the Atman,some call it God or it can be personalized as
Lord Shiva or Lord Krishna or the Divine Mother. It has also been
referred to as “the light of lights.” There is a saying: “The
gate that silence opens within us leads to light. It is not outer
reality that silence reveals but our own innerness. Silence is
essentially a surrender to the divine mystery.”
The Benefit of Meditation, Eternal Solutions magazine, July
2009, New Delhi, India
to saints and sages, tat srstva tad evanupravisat: having
created, the Creator entered into
his creation. All that we see is a reflection of the infinite
fullness of the Divine which breathing out, creates from within
itself, and breathing in, draws everything back in cosmic
dissolution. The universe is eternally humming, spinning and
unraveling the shimmering web of life, singing in silence the song of
creation,preservation and dissolution.
T o hear this song, the mind must become silent. Habituated to
directing our senses outward , we have forgotten how to experience
inner silence. Yet there are certain places where no matter how
active the mind, how outwardly directed the senses, one will
inevitably feel a deepening stillness, an awareness of something
inexpressibly sublime, a bliss that will draw the senses and mind
inward toward their source. These places are the spiritual power
spots, where the earth is charged with divine magnetism. Even though
the whole universe is the body of the Lord, the energy is not equal
in every part of the universe, just as in the human body, there are
particular power spots along the spinal column that act as
storehouses of spiritual energy.
From: Cosmic
Square of the Lord,
Life Positive Plus magazine, July-Sept 2003, New Delhi, India
syllable gu
means darkness and the syllable
ru means light. The
guru is he who removes the darkness of ignorance with the light of
Self-knowledge. There is a saying that when the student is ready,
the teacher appears. Similarly in the spiritual life, when one has a
burning desire for Self-realization, one meets a saint or sage.
He Who Awakens,
Life Positive magazine, October, 2004, New Delhi, India
universe may be described as a living, breathing organism composed of
trillions of web-like
which constantly interact and influence each other. Because the
universe is intricately interwoven, every thought, word and action of
every individual influences the fabric of life as a whole. Every word
we speak vibrates in the air. The vibration sends forth waves that
produce corresponding vibrations which spread into the atmosphere.
The influence of every thought, word and action on the universe is
incomprehensible. The full effect cannot be measured. In this sense,
karma or
action, is unfathomable.
How We Shape Our Destiny, ,
Eternal Solutions magazine, February, 2010, New Delhi, India
Life's greatest teacher is love. To live well, we must open our
hearts and learn to love all living beings equally. When our vision
expands, we will experience the inexhaustible spring of happiness
that originates in universal love and service. Where love is, fear is
not. Love is the greatest unifying power on earth. May the infinite
ocean of love lead us to the shores of immortality so that when death
comes, we can accept it as an inevitable phrase in the vast symphony
of life,
When the Drop Meets the Ocean, Life
Positive Plus, July-Sept 2004, New Delhi. India
Love is the most powerful force in the universe yet it is the most
tender. It requires great courage
to give of oneself completely and infinite tenderness to nourish the
deepest level of someone else's being. It is the pride of the ego
which stands in the way of pure love for it is the nature of the ego
to assert its independence and it is the nature of love to unite, but
even the resistance of the ego can ultimately be overcome by the
power of pure love for the bliss of union surpasses the limited
pleasure of self- assertion.
Pure Love, Eternal
Solutions magazine, December, 2009, New Delhi, India
of Other Published Articles by Barbara Ann Briggs are:
Value of Meditation
Mechanics of Meditation
Vedic Ideals of Womanhood
Source of True Courage
of the Universe
The Enemy on Earth
Forgive and FlowInimitable India
The Lure of the Goddess
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